Creative Commons Licence
I have placed everything here unde a creative commons licence, so that you can quote or use anything on this site just as long as you give me credit (I crave glory) and dont use it for commercial gain. Other than that, well - feel free to copy away.
I think that the Creative Commons licence creates a good balance between those who just copyright everything (and in the process stifle creativity and in the long run society in general) and those on the other side who argue that everything should be free of all copyright (and free of charge too). Why should I even contemplate copyrighting a bunch of largely selfish rants that hardly anybody will ever read? And on the other hand, what if I have a simply GREAT idea one day and blog it here drunk in the middle of the night, and then next week somebody runs off and makes a million dollars out of it (and buys a whole load of sharks with freakin' lasers on their heads). I would be mightily pissed off. No, the Creative Commons CC mark is the most level headed thing I have seen on the Internet in a long time, and I wish the people over at all the best.
Friday, October 15, 2004
Computers, art, self-build homes, technology...
About Me
- Name: Pete Gilbert
- Location: Bristol, United Kingdom
I am an artist living and working in Bristol, UK. I am also a SharePoint architect. In my spare! time I am co-chair of Southbank Bristol Arts.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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