Saturday, August 07, 2004

New Companies (NC's)
“New companies are happy places to work. NC’s are nice to their employees as well as being nice to their customers. They don’t unnecessarily pollute the environment. They don’t produce stuff just for the quick buck. They provide a quality service product. This may sound utopian – and why not? It should serve to improve the human experience, and if it doesn’t – why then, it should not be done.

Innocent Smoothies are a NC. They give the customer what they want – good smoothies – and they do it in a fun way (enhancing and improving the human experience) whilst also being nice to their employees (also enhancing the human experience). No company should devalue its employees.

Google is a company which values its employees, it looks after them, feeds them well, gets a doctor to check them out, gives them toys to play with – anything which will make them feel good. They work hard – often long hours – and I think that Google benefits from its hard work looking after its people with the respect and loyalty and hard work in return from its employees.


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