Saturday, August 07, 2004

Powerpoint and the NC (or NOT)
Envisioning Information is a book that I skim read a few years ago. It is by an author called Edward Tufte. Tufte argues and designs well, he is one of those people who seem to be able to produce art, sculpture, statistics anything – and also talk about it well. Tufte argues that Powerpoint is a modern evil – a tool used badly by lazy people to try to present information. Try is the operative word because it is a dreadful medium – Tufte argues that the information is not dense enough – there just isn’t enough information and the ideas are not linked together. There is no context. And people just end up reading out everything on every slide. Terrible. Printed paper has about 1000 times more information – and it’s easier to read, copy, carry about and share, (at the moment). You would be better off printing out your presentation on a large piece of paper and handing that to everyone. Good ideas. The New Company (NC) should not just use Powerpoint slides as a basis for meetings and presentations. They should use a higher density medium (although I don’t agree with all that printed paper!)
NC’s concentrate on other things.

I have noticed that something which marks the NC is the fact that they tend to concentrate on one thing – and also do it well. They don’t tend to spread themselves too thinly. Once a company spreads too thin they seem to lose that excellent customer service.


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