Thursday, June 24, 2004

Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby :: 2. Kon'nichi wa, Ruby: "One day I was walking down one of those busy roads covered with car dealerships (this was shortly after my wedding was called off) and I found an orphaned dog on the road. A wooly, black dog with greenish red eyes. I was kind of feeling like an orphan myself, so I took a couple balloons that were tied to a pole at the dealership and I relocated them to the dog�s collar. Then, I decided he would be my dog. I named him Bigelow.
We set off to get some Milkbones for Bigelow and, afterwards, head over to my place, where we could sit in recliners and listen to Gorky's Zygotic Mynci. Oh, and we'd also need to stop by a thrift store and get Bigelow his own recliner.
But Bigelow hadn't accepted me as his master. So five minutes later, the stupid dog took a different crosswalk than I did and I never caught up. So whereas he had previously only been lost once, he was now lost twice. I slowed my pace towards the life of Milkbones and an extra recliner. I had a dog for five minutes.
Stupid Benedict Arnold of a dog. I sat on a city bench and threw pinecones at a statue of three sheep crossing a bridge. After that, I wept for hours. The tears just came. Now there's a little something poignant to get you started.
I wonder where he went with all those balloons. That crazy dog must have looked like a party with legs."

This book on programming in Ruby is just great because it is so wierd. Excellent! The man is completely mad.


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