I have come to that point where it just has to be said. I have tried Linux, I really, really have. I have wanted it to work so much, so, so, much. I have played around with it since 1994, I really have given it a good go. And I've had enough. It is just not doing it - work that is. I firmly believe that Linux is the Emperor's new clothes. The Emperor is standing there, stark b*ll*ck naked, and everyone is too scared to say the truth - you aint got no clothes on - you been had. Linux has consistently FAILED to do anything that I have asked of it. And I think it is a failure because it is flawed in certain key areas:
- The business model is all wrong. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
- Technically Linux, and UNIX, which it is based on, is out of date, old technology, flawed in its design. Even its inventor has said so several times and has designed a new OS since.
- Some Linux evangelists, and contributors to the code, are deeply flawed in their thinking, and this gets incorporated into the design of the product, making it flawed too.
- There seems to be a myth that if enough people adopt it, it will all work out OK. I think that some people are adopting Linux at the moment because their technical staff tell them to and they are frightened to do otherwise. I say make software easy to use, and sack all your technical staff. You are probably being held to ransom by these people anyway.
- Technical people like Linux because it keeps people away from the technology, and therefore keeps their jobs safe. It proliferates an older, data processing model of computing that is becoming difficult to justify keeping. Let it all go and get a modern OS that can handle the needs of your company here in the 21st Century.
I say begin the fight back here. Tell your friends about how bad Linux is really. Try it out for yourself, dont take my word for it. It really stinks.