Well, here we are several months down the line and the Exchange system is almost ready to go to testing. We have 2 servers at present, none of which are visible to the outside world for the time being! But we are getting there. The ISA servers will be arriving soon and all that remains to be done then is the setting up and configuration. That is going to be a while as we still havent agreed on the security model.
MIIS is almost ready, although it is still on the POC network ate present. I must say the Oxford Computer Group are good at MIIS, and we couldnt have done it without them. They certainly know their stuff!
Thursday, March 11, 2004
Computers, art, self-build homes, technology...
About Me
- Name: Pete Gilbert
- Location: Bristol, United Kingdom
I am an artist living and working in Bristol, UK. I am also a SharePoint architect. In my spare! time I am co-chair of Southbank Bristol Arts.
Previous Posts
- Tom's Hardware Guide: Tom's Hard News Orlando (FL...
- 2005 Southbank-Bristol Arts Trail Well the web sit...
- Moving from a Photo to a Drawing - Initial Sketch ...
- PeteHaus: "How do you Draw a Picture? Planning! We...
- Its Time to Fight Back - Just Say No To Linux! I h...
- The Microsoft European MIIS User Group Meeting 200...
- Microsft Bashing - NOT! There are those who have s...
- Making Money from Computing in the Post-Microsoft ...
- Natural Elements In an earlier article I looked at...
- Relatively Speaking There is a new website here th...
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